We are made of
everything we have done

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at risus mi. Phasellus a leo mauris. Praesent felis dolor, ullamcorper vitae mauris in, fermentum porta neque. Nam ornare scelerisque dolor, ut finibus felis ultricies quis. Ut malesuada non lacus vel volutpat.

Nullam placerat massa nisi, vel cursus tellus tempus vitae. Vivamus blandit sapien at rhoncus congue.Nullam dignissim, leo vel faucibus pellentesque, velit eros faucibus dui, sit amet bibendum lorem dolor vitae odio. Suspendisse tempor neque a volutpat efficitur. Praesent fermentum lacus vel orci venenatis, eu commodo mi iaculis. Nunc convallis, dui at ultricies gravida, nisi ex pharetra odio, vitae congue dui tellus nec enim.

Donec vehicula tortor quis mauris tristique, ac volutpat lorem sodales. Nam id varius ligula. In vehicula purus id tortor vulputate pellentesque. Vivamus et aliquam lectus. Fusce sagittis velit et semper congue. Nullam vel mollis tortor. Sed rutrum aliquet accumsan.Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas ultrices ligula est, in mattis urna dictum at. Pellentesque sit amet massa non mi luctus posuere. Aliquam id leo tincidunt lectus scelerisque facilisis dignissim sit amet risus. Integer mattis ornare mauris, id molestie massa laoreet quis.

Aliquam faucibus sollicitudin sem, id ullamcorper purus euismod posuere. Nam sit amet eros non ex tincidunt venenatis. Praesent vitae metus non risus dignissim lobortis nec ac felis.Aenean dapibus dictum odio nec bibendum. Integer iaculis mollis tortor ut faucibus. Pellentesque sem risus, dapibus vitae gravida a, viverra euismod justo. Duis leo nisl, finibus non nisi in, malesuada hendrerit massa.

We are made of
everything we do

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at risus mi. Phasellus a leo mauris. Praesent felis dolor, ullamcorper vitae mauris in, fermentum porta neque. Nam ornare scelerisque dolor, ut finibus felis ultricies quis. Ut malesuada non lacus vel volutpat.

Nullam placerat massa nisi, vel cursus tellus tempus vitae. Vivamus blandit sapien at rhoncus congue.Nullam dignissim, leo vel faucibus pellentesque, velit eros faucibus dui, sit amet bibendum lorem dolor vitae odio. Suspendisse tempor neque a volutpat efficitur. Praesent fermentum lacus vel orci venenatis, eu commodo mi iaculis. Nunc convallis, dui at ultricies gravida, nisi ex pharetra odio, vitae congue dui tellus nec enim.

Donec vehicula tortor quis mauris tristique, ac volutpat lorem sodales. Nam id varius ligula. In vehicula purus id tortor vulputate pellentesque. Vivamus et aliquam lectus. Fusce sagittis velit et semper congue. Nullam vel mollis tortor. Sed rutrum aliquet accumsan.Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas ultrices ligula est, in mattis urna dictum at. Pellentesque sit amet massa non mi luctus posuere. Aliquam id leo tincidunt lectus scelerisque facilisis dignissim sit amet risus. Integer mattis ornare mauris, id molestie massa laoreet quis.

Aliquam faucibus sollicitudin sem, id ullamcorper purus euismod posuere. Nam sit amet eros non ex tincidunt venenatis. Praesent vitae metus non risus dignissim lobortis nec ac felis.Aenean dapibus dictum odio nec bibendum. Integer iaculis mollis tortor ut faucibus. Pellentesque sem risus, dapibus vitae gravida a, viverra euismod justo. Duis leo nisl, finibus non nisi in, malesuada hendrerit massa.

We are made of
everything we will do

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at risus mi. Phasellus a leo mauris. Praesent felis dolor, ullamcorper vitae mauris in, fermentum porta neque. Nam ornare scelerisque dolor, ut finibus felis ultricies quis. Ut malesuada non lacus vel volutpat.

Nullam placerat massa nisi, vel cursus tellus tempus vitae. Vivamus blandit sapien at rhoncus congue.Nullam dignissim, leo vel faucibus pellentesque, velit eros faucibus dui, sit amet bibendum lorem dolor vitae odio. Suspendisse tempor neque a volutpat efficitur. Praesent fermentum lacus vel orci venenatis, eu commodo mi iaculis. Nunc convallis, dui at ultricies gravida, nisi ex pharetra odio, vitae congue dui tellus nec enim.

Donec vehicula tortor quis mauris tristique, ac volutpat lorem sodales. Nam id varius ligula. In vehicula purus id tortor vulputate pellentesque. Vivamus et aliquam lectus. Fusce sagittis velit et semper congue. Nullam vel mollis tortor. Sed rutrum aliquet accumsan.Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas ultrices ligula est, in mattis urna dictum at. Pellentesque sit amet massa non mi luctus posuere. Aliquam id leo tincidunt lectus scelerisque facilisis dignissim sit amet risus. Integer mattis ornare mauris, id molestie massa laoreet quis.

Aliquam faucibus sollicitudin sem, id ullamcorper purus euismod posuere. Nam sit amet eros non ex tincidunt venenatis. Praesent vitae metus non risus dignissim lobortis nec ac felis.Aenean dapibus dictum odio nec bibendum. Integer iaculis mollis tortor ut faucibus. Pellentesque sem risus, dapibus vitae gravida a, viverra euismod justo. Duis leo nisl, finibus non nisi in, malesuada hendrerit massa.

Every human being throughout history is unique.
That is the essence and poetry of our existence.
If you and I are different, how can we both have a profound importance in someone's life with equal depth and complexity?

If all of us, all the melodies, natural wonders, and stars are so diverse and unique, what unites us?
Qualidades são muito mais comuns do que diferenças.
Some qualities are universal: empathy, love, care, support, justice, concern, kindness, openness, humility, assistance, adaptability, and evolution.
Em vez de buscar a singularidade, devemos encontrar as qualidades que realmente importam.

At Alencar, we believe that the qualities we seek are the same qualities that define us as compassionate human beings. Therefore, instead of just creating beautiful structures or environments, we seek to cultivate beauty through those qualities.
Por isso, em vez de criar apenas estruturas ou ambientes belos, buscamos cultivar beleza através dessas qualidades.
The qualities we value respond to the greatest needs of the future.
They will underpin the significant changes we need to witness in our community life.

The future will be as different from the present as the past is from today. That is certain.
Just as the past is constantly evolving, so is the future, driven by our ancient search for hope and love.
Instead of just replicating solutions from the past, we can shape the future with new skills and capabilities.
This begins with overcoming our blind adherence to the familiar practices and methods of the past. Despite the uncertainties, we recognize that the future will not be built with old plans for buildings, streets, neighborhoods, and cities that no longer meet our evolving needs.

The goals may seem lofty and even naive, but we persist in our relentless search for poetry on this journey.

Although we are architects, first of all, we are also fathers, mothers, brothers and children, seeking spaces to share joy.
We celebrate a city reborn, where public and private spaces mingle in a dance of renewal. Imagine creating a new city within the embrace of the old, a poetic juxtaposition between innovation and tradition.

Our constantly evolving urban culture requires this fluidity, pushing us to navigate between private sanctuaries and vibrant public spaces more often than ever.
In that sense, every building, street, and intersection becomes an extension of our life.
It's not just about aesthetics, but about promoting social vitality and democratic spaces.

The true power of architecture lies in its ability to enrich everyday existence, creating environments that are not only functional but also pleasant and healthy.

Unique neighborhoods deserve projects that transcend repetition.

Will you join us in this commitment to shape our future?
Let's create possible futures where life blooms with happiness and hope.
The power of this effort is the chance to create an extraordinary everyday life.

It's about who we are and why we choose, day after day, to get up, stretch, drink coffee and continue this journey driven by an inevitable desire to dream.
Often, through these shared and honest dreams, we are able to create works that reflect everything we believe, translate our essence into reality, and materialize the subjective.

We are getting closer to the happy endings we so desire.
Being optimistic, gentle, and dreamy is a choice. We value poetry, not just the poetry of structured verses, but finding poetry everywhere — in every brick, rock, person, and smile.
Each project, each idea, carries a wealth of poetry.

Looking for romance in every project and sometimes finding it.
All the architectural projects of this city, and of any city in the world, were born of a desire — a desire accompanied by countless possibilities.
Motivation is not lacking, and we can choose from a menu of options where architects, builders and entrepreneurs each play their part.

To keep on a familiar path is to deny a sea of unknown opportunities.
Exchanging the uncertain for the certain is what pushes us farther, to new frontiers, new continents, the Moon, Mars, and perhaps we realize that the real objective is to return home, to embrace the childish and happy ingenuity that we once knew.

But if design and architecture are answers, what is the right question?
Creating new questions is what drives us. Innocence too.
Creating new possible and impossible futures is our goal.

Imagine a perfect world—maybe the answers aren't always impossible.

Maybe possible futures will unfold. Imagine... maybe we design floral parks, terraced buildings, ground floors that are transformed into parks, museums replacing residential roofs, large patios with internal streets, democratizing views and breaking almost unquestionable rules.

Building Possible Futures through ideals and dreams.
In each project lies a novel seeking reciprocity.

Real projects that were once just possible futures.
Shared with enthusiasm and embracing the common interests of everyone involved, they become a reality.

Interests not only of those directly involved - the builder, the investor, the planner - but also of those who have no voice, no place at the decision-making table: neighbors, mothers, grandparents, and children eager to slide on sidewalks, and people looking for spaces to meet, smile, and create memorable connections.

Embracing diversity, imagining future ideals, committing to a sustainable future, interpreting everyone's wishes, and recognizing that the future will demand new answers — this is the starting point for creating the futures we want to be a part of, to live when they become our present.

Welcome to the architects of possible futures.
